
Worship Times:

Sunday, 10am

Monday, 9am

Wednesday, 9am

Wednesday 6pm

 A church at the heart of the community, with the community in its heart. 
Please join us!

Service information this week:

John 2: 1-11

Sunday, January 19

The Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that he may be known, worshipped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Trinity services are STREAMED LIVE on the Trinity Melrose FaceBook page, a public site – a facebook account is not necessary to watch it.

This Week at Trinity

  • Morning Prayer is each Monday and Wednesday at 9:00am in the church, either in person OR online at: www.facebook.com/TrinityEpiscopalChurchMelroseFlorida/
  • Evening service is at 6:00pm on Wednesdays. Will and Father Tony are providing the music and the service is a sweet service of Eucharist and healing.
  • Sister’s Circle meets every Tuesday from 10:0am until noon in the Wicker Room. All are invited to come and knit, crochet, do other crafts or just sit and talk for a time of fellowship.
  • Every Tuesday at 11:30 members of our congregation meet with Fr. Tony at Betty’s Pizza for lunch and conversation. This is a fun time of fellowship and everyone is happily welcomed, please join us
  • Bible Study on 1st Corinthians is being held 1:00pm each Tuesday, in the Wicker Room in the Parish Hall for all those who are interested. The study is being led by Father Tony.

Trinity supports…

  • Lake Area Ministries
  • Pack a Sack – school weekend food program
  • Boy Scouts Troop 109
  • St. Mary’s Mission, Jacksonville
  • Rodeheaver Boys Ranch
  • Trinity Church, Bermejas, Cuba
  • Our Little Roses Orphanage, Honduras
  • Mobility Worldwide
  • Episcopal Relief and Development
  • Melrose Community Outreach
  • AA
  • Melrose Boutique Thrift Shop
  • Thanksgiving in the Park
  • Snack Packs for homeless people

What’s Happening at Trinity?

Thrift Store Reopens!

TO ALL OUR THRIFTIES! We missed you! WE WILL REOPEN beginning THURSDAY 1/16 and SATURDAY 1/18. We are also now accepting the usual donations. We strongly suggest to drop off donations during our business hours. We also have a convenient dropbox. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while we spruced up the shop for another fantastic year of sharing, caring and helping others through your donations to the church thrift.

The church thrift donations help to support 17 different outreach programs. (See list above!) We can’t thank you all enough for your generous support and love for others. If you have any questions or concerns please contact a thrift shop volunteer.

ECW Meeting!

Tuesday, January 14 at 10am

First Friday Art Walk

A chilly night for Art Walk. Our doors are open, music is playing and it’s warm and welcoming here at Trinity!

Christmas Caroling in Melrose on Wednesday, December 18!

Angel Tree 2024!

Many thanks to all who helped in any way!!

Merry Melrose! Elf report: “It went great…we had just enough stuffies to finish the parade! Lots of BIG SMILES!”

Thanksgiving in the Park – Special thanks to EVERYONE who made it possible!

Preparing for Thanksgiving in the Park


November 8, 2-5pm

November 9, 9-2pm

Chili will be served both days!

There will be a drawing for this beautiful full size quilt!

One ticket $5, 5 tickets for $20!

November 3 – Keith Daw, the CEO of the Diocese of Florida, will be with us at Trinity. Mr. Daw has been involved with the Diocese for many years and was on the Standing Committee before being appointed CEO. Please come and introduce yourselves and welcome him to Trinity.


Mark your calendar! Assisting Bishop Chip Stokes will be at Trinity on Sunday, October 13 to receive confirmation candidates!

On October 6th, the first Sunday of October we will have our Annual Meeting and give you any news about Trinity as well as giving you any information which was given at the Diocesan Convention on the 21st. Please plan to attend the meeting, as well as staying to enjoy the delicious pot luck luncheon.

Blessing of the AnimalsSaturday, October 5 at 10am, across the street from Trinity at Heritage Park

The Episcopal Women (ECW) of Trinity will resume meeting at 10:00am on Tuesday, September 10, in the Parish Hall. All women of the church are considered members and are invited to come and enjoy the fun and fellowship of this group. The ordinary meeting dates are on the second Tuesday of each month. Please come and join us!.

The Inquirer’s Class begins Sunday, September 8, at 9am. Join Fr Tony and explore what it means to be Episcopalian as the group reads the book “Those Episkopols”

It’s time for the annual Basket Auction and Chicken Dinner!! Saturday, July 20 @ noon.

May meeting is scheduled for  May 14th at 11:30 AM and Ginny White’s house. She will be providing the lunch for all of us. Carpool forms at Trinity at 11am. 

FURNITURE SALE! Many thanks to the dedicated volunteers who worked hours and hours to make this event possible! Also, a huge thank you to all of the folks who turned out to support this event!!

THE GEORGIANS – “Celebrating 60 years in Gospel Music” – will be performing at Trinity Episcopal, Saturday, May 4 at 4pm.

Performing since 1954, The Georgians Quartet has toured from the Florida to New Mexico and as far north to Canada. They have recorded 17 albums and CD’s over the years, with three top 40 songs in the charts. The Georgians Quartet was voted the top male quartet for the Southeastern Sothern Gospel Music Conference, which covers 10 states. This award is voted on by fans online each year. Calvin writes about ninety percent of their songs and the group has recorded over 100 of his songs. The current group – Kevin Parten, Evan Minix, Brandon Hughes and Jeremy Minix – will be joined by Calvin McGuyrt, the son of the quartet’s founder.

Chinese Water Colors Valerie Tomas is starting a class in Chinese water color painting Monday mornings at 10am. For information, please call Valerie. (Photo from first class on 4/22)

ECW Field Trip! Harn Museum outing starts Tuesday April 9 at 10 AM.  We will carpool from church parking lot.  So far we have 19 going! Contact Jeanne H if you’re interested in joining.  

Trinity ECW on a docent led tour of Harn Museum on UF Campus, and Monet’s Field of Oats. Lunch out with the girls was fun too!

April 7th – Harn Museum outing starts Tuesday April 9 at 10 AM.  We will carpool from church parking lot.  So far we have 19 going! Contact Jeanne H if you’re interested in joining.

The 10am Easter Sunday Service in Yerkes Hall is followed by refreshments on the veranda a an Easter Egg Hunt on the front yard.

Soup Suppers During Lent – This week concludes the weekly dinner, video discussion, and eucharist shared by three area churches. The March 20 location will be at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Starke at 6:30pm.

March 13 – This week’s Lenten Soup Supper, Video Discussion, and Eucharist is hosted by Trinity beginning at 6:30pm.

ECW meets on Tuesday, March 12 at 10am. Join us for a time of fellowship and more!

March 6 – Lenten Soup Supper and discussion at Immanuel Anglican in KH at 6:30pm

The Church is always open for First Friday at 6:30pm during Art Walk. All are welcome!


Wednesday February 21 Lenten Soup Suppers begin this week at Immanuel Anglican KH

Wednesday, February 28 Trinity hosts the Soup Supper

Ash Wednesday

Services at noon and 6pm; the church will also be open 4-6pm for quiet meditation.

February 13, 5-7pm

All proceeds go to support the Cub Scouts.

$7 per adult, $4 per child or $18 per family.


ECW meets at 10m. Joining us this meeting is a special speaker


A day set aside by the Diocese of Florida to commemorate Father Fred G Yerkes and to memorialize his inclusion in “A Great Cloud of Witnesses” – a resolution of the Diocese of Florida, 2002.

Carpenter Gothic Churches were featured at the annual meeting of Historic Melrose on Sunday, January 28. Speaker Phil Eschbach presented selected photos from his book “Spires in the Sun,” featuring churches built in the Diocese of Florida in the 1800s – Trinity being a prime example. After the meeting, several HMI members visited the church as Figg played the organ for our visitors.

Contemplative Prayer – Friday, February 2 – a time of soft music and quiet prayer, held every first Friday of the month, begins at 6:30pm in the church. Everyone is welcome to come and spend some lovely quiet time with music and prayer with Our Lord.

Front Door Ministry is one of the ministries of Trinity which allows us to give out a bag of food for a day or two to people who come into the office looking for help. The bags have some pop top cans of spaghetti, ravioli, or beans and Vienna sausage, mac and cheese, or just Vienna sausage, some nutrition bars, fruit roll up, something to drink, and something sweet like cookies or a piece of candy.

Those who come are also invited to talk with Father Tony who may be able to give them some helpful advice or to pray with them. If you are able to help with any of these items, please bring them to church or drop them off in the office. Financial help is also welcome to help us purchase the items from Sams.

New Bible Study Class Father Tony will be starting a new Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews. The Class will start Tuesday at 1:00pm in the Wicker Room. You are welcome to read ahead or not if you like. The class should be fun and informative and Father will welcome any thoughts you may have.

January 9 – ECW Meets once a month on the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00am in the Wicker Room. All women of the church are considered to be members and are happily invited to attend.

Friday, January 5 – An evening of Contemplative Prayer – a time of soft music and quiet prayer begins at 6:30pm

During these days of staying at home, there is a way to give remotely: you may give through secure PAY PAL transactions.
1. You may use on-line giving to fulfill your pledge, OR
2. You may wish to make a one-time donation.

If you wish to make a secure payment using
https://www.paypal.com, payments are directed to [email protected], selecting “FRIENDS” and NOT “payment for goods or services.”

Ameris Bank has launched Zelle, a program that will allow you to send money electronically directly into Trinity’s operating account. It’s as simple as downloading an app. If your bank supports Zelle, and most do, the idea would be to give you the option to send your offering electronically.  Find your bank here: https://www.zellepay.com/get-started

And as always… Trinity’s mailing address is:  PO Box 361 Melrose, FL 32666