Events Images from 2022

Events Images from 2022


Previous years are linked below

ANGEL TREEThank you! Packages delivered 🙂


Merry Melrose Parade

Lots of stuffies were handed out along the parade route – thank you elves!

The Nativity Walk

Saturday, December 10 After the Merry Melrose Parade, stop by Trinity to see a display of beautiful Nativity scenes from around the world. There will be hot chocolate and cookies for you to enjoy while you linger a bit longer. And, there’s always a children’s table for creating and coloring.

Thanksgiving at the Park

Thanksgiving in the Park – an annual community celebration! Dinners were prepared, sacked, and placed on the table for pick-up – 325 dinners in all! Members of Trinity, Boy Scouts, and people from the community pitched in to help with the success of the day.

The Annual Fall BazaarFriday-Saturday, November 11-12. There were lots of wonderful things, arts and crafts, furniture, Christmas wonders, jewelry, jams and jellies, antiques, furniture, art and yummy baked goods at the Trinity Bazaar. Chili Dinners were sold on Friday evening and a delicious BBQ lunch was served on Saturday 11:00am.


First FRIDAY, November 4 – Contemplative Prayer, a time of soft music and quiet prayer, is held every first Friday. Everyone is welcome to come and spend some lovely quiet time of music and prayer with Our Lord.

TUESDAY, November 1 – ECW meets 10am at church and then travels to Debbie’s home for the meeting .

Beginning a study on The Chosen, the story of Jesus’ life. We will meet in the Wicker Room in Parish Hall at 1:30, Monday, October 10, and every Monday until Thanksgiving.

Our Stewardship Campaign kicks off with a potluck dinner after the service on October 9. Join us for fellowship, a delicious lunch and also a chance to celebrate our church!

A Year of Stewardship – Doing God’s Work Through Trinity!

It’s time for the Annual Blessing of the Animals at the Heritage Park on Saturday, October 1st

The Trinity “Boutique” (aka the Thrift Store) is open every Thursday and Saturday mornings, 9am-noon.

The Sister’s Circle meets every Tuesday at 10am in the Wicker Room. Join them for an opportunity to knit or crochet a prayer shawl…and of course, lively conversation!

Grill and Chill – Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:00pm. Please bring any meat you would like to grill and your own drink. Side dishes, fun and friendship will be provided.

Service of Remembrance for Ramona Woods will be Saturday, September 10 at Trinity, beginning at 10am. Dulcimers will lead the music at this memorial for Ramona who was such a big part of our Melrose Dulcimer jam sessions for many years.

Memorial Service for Jean Stegall will be held Wednesday, September 7, 2022, beginning at 11:00am. Jean was an active member of Trinity serving as the financial secretary for the church as well as chairing the Altar Guild, where her beautiful flower arrangements were well appreciated. She was a passionate seamstress and was known for the many altar hangings, priest vestments and quilts she created.

ECW will resume meetings Tuesday September 6 at 10:00am. A salad luncheon will follow the meeting with the greens and drinks being supplied and you are requested to bring any additions or salad dressing you would like. All women of the church are invited, please feel welcome to the fun.

September 6 – Tables were strewn with shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, and much more. Empty purses, satchels, and backpacks were paced on another table. Following a brief meeting, ECW members filled the bags to the brim with items on the table. Twenty-one bags in all were then contributed to Grace in Gainesville.

Contemplative Prayer which is a time of soft music and quiet prayer is held every first Friday of the month, Friday, September 2 at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come and spend some lovely quiet time of music and prayer with Our Lord.

The Men’s Club will meet Saturday, August 27th at 8:00am in the parish hall. There will be time for devotionals, a business meeting, breakfast and some terrific fellowship. Every man of the church is invited to come and join us

Contemplative Prayer, a time of soft music and quiet prayer, is held every first Friday of the month – Friday, August 5, 6:30pm Everyone is welcome to come and spend some lovely quiet time of music and prayer with Our Lord.

The men will be meeting Saturday, July 30 at 8:00am in the parish hall. There will be time for devotionals, a business meeting, breakfast and some terrific fellowship. Every man of the church is invited to come and join us.

The Annual Good Old Fashioned Chicken Dinner and Basket Auction will be held on July 16.

Men’s Club will hold a Grill and Chill this Monday, July 11. Bring whichever meat you’d like to grill and a drink of your choice and come and join a happy evening!

Men’s Club will be meeting Saturday, June 25 at 8:00am in the parish hall. There will be time for devotionals, a business meeting, breakfast and some terrific fellowship. Every man of the church is invited to come and join us.

Trinity hosts Santa Fe Region Ultreya, Sunday, June 12, at 4pm

Anyone who has attended or has an interest in Cursillo is welcome to attend this Eucharist gathering and Pot Luck dinner.

Enjoy good food and fellowship with other churches in our region.

Furniture Bazaar! Many thanks to this hard-working crew who spent countless hours polishing, painting and setting up the “showroom.”

Well done!!

Furniture Bazaar! And then voila…a furniture showroom! May 20 (9am-5pm) – May 21 (9am-2pm) COME EARLY!!



Friday, May 20 from 9am-5pm, and Saturday, May 21, 9am- 2pm. There are some wonderful pieces of furniture. The behind the scenes work to get ready for the event is very impressive! Polishing, painting, repairing, reconstructing…just the beginning of the list.

Celebrating the life of Edna Spratt

Grill and Chill will be held by the Men’s Club next Monday, May 9 at 6:00pm on the veranda of the Parish Hall. Please bring the meat and drink you would like to have and it will be grilled. Sides are provided.

ECW The last meeting before our hiatus for the summer will be this Saturday, May 7th, at noon. With a Potluck luncheon in the parish hall. All women of the church are invited to come and enjoy the fun! POSTPONED!

Contemplative Prayer which is a time of soft music and quiet prayer is held every first Friday of the month, which will be this Friday, May 6th, at 6:30pm in the church. Everyone is welcome to come and spend some lovely quiet time of music and prayer with Our Lord.

The Music of Jane K comes to Trinity Melrose, on Saturday, April 23 at 4pm. Jane K will be joined by an amazing assemblage of talented musicians.

Easter Sunday, April 17 The Lord is Risen Indeed!

The ECW gathered on Tuesday, April 5, for a program given by Sandy Pardee, of Flower Petals. From clusters of flowers on the table, Sandy created beautiful arrangements, giving suggestions for designing.

Trinity is hosting an Organ Concert here on Sunday, March 27th at 4:00pm featuring Stephanie Smith and Lake Region musicians as well as organ scholars from the UF Organ Studio. The concert is part of the Gainesville American Guild of Organists Spring Recital Series and will be live-streamed.

Trinity hosts the Lenten Soup Supper on Wednesday, March 23, at 6:30pm.

Cursillo members will meet in the parish hall on Sunday, March 20th at 4:00pm to help prepare for the upcoming Cursillo.

A Vestry meeting will follow the service on Sunday, March 20, at approx. 11:15am.

Trinity hosts the Lenten Soup Supper on Wednesday, March 16, at 6:30pm.

On Wednesday, March 16th at 10:00am there will be an Outreach meeting in the office.  If you would like to join the team to work on one project or all of them, if you are just interested in what we’re doing or if you would like to suggest a new project, please come and join us.

An all-church Grill-n-Chill is set for Monday, March 14, at 6pm. Bring your item for the grill…and, most importantly, bring a friend for an evening of fellowship!

Sunday, March 13, immediately following the 10:00 service, the Altar Guild will meet in the sacristy of the Church itself.  Everyone who might be interested in helping to prepare and set the Altar or to learn more about altar hangings and preparation is welcome to come. For those who attend the meeting there will be lunch in the parish hall.

Contemplative Prayer, a time of soft music and quiet prayer, is held every first Friday at 6:30pm in the church. Everyone is welcome to come and spend some lovely quiet time of music and prayer with Our Lord.

Ash Wednesday – March 2nd Services at noon and 6pm will include the dispensing of ashes. This is the official beginning of Lent. If you have not picked up your Lenten meditation booklet yet they will be available at the back door as you leave.

March 1 – ECW Meeting

It’s time for the Troop #109 Pancake Supper! March 1 – Shrove Tuesday, 5:30pm-7:30pm! The Boy Scouts will be cooking pancakes for all. There will be a suggested donation at the door.

February 20 – Scout Sunday is celebrated at Trinity

February 6 – Annual Meeting with news from the Diocese, election of new vestry members, review of our 2022 budget, and light refreshments following the meeting. We will also have a copy of Trinity’s Annual Report for everyone.

Trinity’s Youth Choir, circa 1985

Fr. Les Singleton and I will be presenting a resolution at this year’s Annual Diocesan Convention, January 29, 2022, to honor Fr. Fred Yerkes at a Diocesan level and eventually and hopefully at the General Convention. The Resolution Committee gave its overwhelming support this afternoon during a Zoom meeting with the Bishop. Bishop Howard fully expects and is looking forward to its approval at the Convention. I am very grateful and appreciative of Fr. Les who put this together and included Trinity as the co-sponsor of the Resolution. There is a soft bound Resolution booklet in the office with nearly a hundred pages of historical information, articles, pictures, interviews, and clippings for your purview. Interesting tidbit:  From 1940 to 1988, Fr. Yerkes baptized nearly 140 children and adults at Trinity, Melrose. And we were just one of the 27 churches he cared for during those 48 years. Amazing man! Warmly,







